Hover and Click Definitions

To help heal the world through love and connection by making spiritual community accessible to all.

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Hover and Click Definitions

To help heal the world through love and connection by making spiritual community accessible to all.

Hover over a word to see its definition.

New Wine Collective is for seekers, skeptics, and spiritual misfits looking for an alternative to traditional forms of organized religion. We’re envisioning a reimagined approach to "church" that lowers barriers, flattens hierarchies, and embodies a fresh expression of Christian spirituality that is holistic, radically loving and inclusive, peace and justice oriented, and marked by theological humility.


Love, not legalism

Love, not dogma

The way we treat others is more important to God than being right or belonging to the right group; a love-based ethic that honors the image of God in all people

Curiosity, not certainty

We see in part, not the whole; humility and embracing mystery are better than having all the answers; seeking wisdom and moving beyond binary (either/or) thinking

Curiosity, not certainty
Mutuality, not hierarchy

Mutuality, not hierarchy

Sharing and distributing power, fostering mutual relationships and hearing from every voice; empowering people to express the full range of their diverse gifts and perspectives.

Compassion, not condemnation

Holding one another’s humanity with empathy, tenderness, and acceptance; practicing vulnerability, non-judgment, and solidarity with the suffering

Compassion, not condemnation
Inclusion, not exclusion

Inclusion, not exclusion

Imitating a Christ-like preference for those whom society marginalizes and casts aside; living into God’s upside-down reality where the first are last, the last are first, and everyone has a place to belong

Process, not perfection.
We recognize that none of us have arrived and that we are all on a journey. So, we seek to maintain a posture of humility and willingness to learn.


Illustation of colorful hills

New Wine Collective:
White Paper

People are longing for deeper spiritual and relational connection. We want to do more than just sit and watch church. We want to be seen and heard... Many of us sense there must be a better way of following Jesus in the world and want to participate in shaping that new future in community with others! However, the status quo of top-down consumer-driven Christianity has left many of us feeling dissatisfied, bored, and burnt out — or simply, left out.

New Wine Collective
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